
Diversity & Inclusion

As a group, Morgan Philips is committed to diversity & inclusion

Morgan Philips is an international group with a presence in more than 20 countries: wherever we operate, we strive to create an inclusive culture in which diversity is recognized and valued in all of our recruitment and talent management activities and services.

Diversity is an essential part of our corporate culture. Our approach promotes inclusive practices in terms of age, gender, background, disability, religion, sexual orientation and marital status. Our search and selection methods for candidates are based on non-discrimination principles. We consider qualified and diverse profiles in all recruiting entrusted to us.

Gender split of our directors infographics

Gender breakdown of our
leaders (Morgan Philips Group)

Gender split of our directors infographics

Gender breakdown of our
employees (Morgan Philips Group)

Nowadays, it is crucial to draw on our diverse experiences, different cultural backgrounds, and individual skills and knowledge.

For us, fostering innovation means recognizing diversity as an opportunity. What could be more effective than bringing together a group of people with different perspectives to challenge conventional approaches and drive our organization forward?

We recognize the importance of a work environment where everyone can be authentic and fully engaged. By joining Morgan Philips, you will become part of a committed and close-knit team that will nurture and support you throughout your career.

We are proud of the diversity of our employees and the candidates we recruit for our clients, but we recognize that there is always room for improvement. Diversity and inclusion is an ongoing process for us and an integral part of our corporate culture.


Our commitments to anti-discrimination

  • Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is at the heart of our values and practices. We are determined to actively combat all forms of discrimination in the recruitment process.
  • Our teams of consultants regularly receive specialized training to enable them to recognize and prevent discrimination and ensure fair and transparent recruitment. They are trained to respect and promote diversity, considering only the skills and professional qualifications of candidates.
  • As an active member of several organizations that promote equality in the workplace, we stay abreast of best practices and actively contribute to improving equal opportunities in recruitment.
  • When you choose Morgan Philips, you are choosing a recruitment partner that strongly believes in diversity, equality and inclusion as key factors for career success.

Want to discuss your project with us?

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